It’s the New Year and the season of resolutions. Typically, I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions mainly because it’s never seemed like a genuinely personal thing to me. If I see the need for a change in my life, then I prefer to start at that moment rather than waiting for January. However, I do use the turn of the year to think about the things that are most important to me and to reflect on what actions I can take to keep those in correct priority. One of those is my role as grandma.

The grandmother role is one that I’m still getting used to, having taken this role on in the past three years – so I’m hardly an expert! But I have been thinking about how to make the most of this role.

So, here it goes – the three things I’ll be working on in 2015. I’m lucky to have all three of my grandchildren living here in Lincoln, which probably isn’t the case for everyone but maybe one or two of these will strike a cord with you.

Spending More Quality Time with Grandchildren

First, I am going to spend a day with each grandchild separately once a month. I really enjoy each of these kids and I want to get to know them individually, which is hard to do when they’re all together. For the past three years, I’ve been doing this with the eldest who is seven years old. It’s been such a great way for me to learn about her and for her to learn about me. We usually do a craft together because she enjoys them, but sometimes we just clean the house, shop or have lunch. The most important thing is that we are together. Now, I need to be intentional about doing this with the two-year-old and the 18-month-old. Their activities might be different, but that’s part of the fun in getting to know each other better!

Suzanne granddaughter

Being a Team Player

Second, I want to reinforce the lessons and behaviors their parents enforce. That is an easy sentence to write, but much harder to practice. One family is more structured as far as naps and bedtimes, and the other not so much. I do go a bit outside the lines with food choices — grandma has to have goodies occasionally. But I do try to respect the healthy habits these kids need. I also try to enforce the same rules their parents require at home. For instance, saying “please” and “thank you,” sitting at the table to eat, not screaming in the house — you get the idea.

Sharing Positivity with Grandchildren

Third, I want to always speak positively about their parents to them. My parents did this with my children and it was such an encouragement to me. Occasionally, my kids would tell me what my parents said about my husband or myself. It helps the children know how other people see their parents. I think it breeds respect for parents, and that’s always a good thing!

Perhaps you have priorities with your grandchildren. I’d love to hear what they are and the fun things you do together. Feel free to respond and we can all learn together. I’ll take some pictures this year and let you know how it goes!



Grandkids & Grandparents

I have been married to the greatest guy on earth, Mark, for 30 years. We have three wonderful children and three of the cutest grandchildren in the world, of course. And to our great delight, we have two more grandchildren due in March! As I blog each month, you will meet each of the members of my family as they are the reason that I have anything to say at all.

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