For many, as soon as we turned 16 we parked our bicycles and traded them in for vehicles on four wheels. I recently rediscovered the joys of cycling and there really is no better time than now for you to do the same. Lincoln is quickly becoming a city that caters to individuals and families who enjoy biking via trails and bikeways.

You can’t live in Lancaster County and not take advantage of The Great Plains Trail Network that winds in and out of Lincoln on widened sidewalks meant for bike and pedestrian commuting. Part of the chipped path is meant for horse travel as well. Odds are your trusty steed from years past is no longer and you may need to make a new purchase to enjoy the trails.

There are many terrific bike shops located in and around Lincoln to help you and your kids find the right bicycle for your needs. Please make sure you visit more than one shop and take a test ride or two. Some vocabulary to be familiar with include: derailleur, crank, bottom bracket, saddle, cassette, and headset. The only wrong decision when purchasing a bike is not buying one at all. While at the shop, check out the rest of the gear and many, many accessories available. While all the accessories aren’t necessary, certainly some safety gear is a must. Buy a good helmet and set the example for your kids by wearing a helmet when you ride. You can learn more about bike safety and helmets at the Bryan Kids Fair, June 14.

If you happen to find an older or repurposed bike via the classifieds, a local shop, or Craigslist have it checked out and tuned up before your inaugural ride. It’s not very expensive and it’s better to replace the tires and grease the chain in the shop than along Highway 2 or stranded on the MoPac in Eagle.

While on the trails around town it’s important to remember why you’re out there. Enjoy life and the abundance of fresh air our city has to offer. Be sure to smile or wave at those with whom you pass and announce your presence with a kind, “Hello” and pass on the left. Get outside and ride!



Babies, Toddlers, & K-12

My beautiful wife Valerie and I have three children, all boys, under the age of five. Abram is our oldest, Ethan followed Abram in 2010, and then we were surprised in 2011 with the birth of our third and final son, Tyler. I am a certified elementary teacher and currently stay home with the boys.

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