Summer fun usually means staying up later and waking up later. Now that school is about to start, it is time to start thinking about early start times, homework, and other activities. Because we know that good sleep prepares the body and mind for success, here are some quick tips for getting yourself and your children back into a school sleep routine:
- Get back to a sleep routine at least one week before school starts. Begin waking up earlier and going to bed earlier. A routine helps to get the average number of hours of sleep needed to feel refreshed.
- Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This routine helps to set the biological clock to the new schedule.
- Do a relaxing activity such as light music or reading 30 minutes before bedtime.This type of activity helps to wind down from the day and get into a routine to associate with sleep.
- Keep electronic devices out of the bedroom. The bedroom should be associated with sleep.
- Turn electronic devices such as TV, video games, computer, and cell phone off one hour before going to bed. Use of electronics right before bedtime can lead to poor sleep.
- Keep the bedroom cool, quiet, and dimly lit or dark when sleeping. Being comfortable leads to better sleep.
- Avoid caffeine six to eight hours before bedtime. Caffeine causes the brain to stay awake.
- Eat meals and snacks at the same times each day. Avoid a heavy meal three hours before bedtime. When the metabolism fires up, it may be difficult to fall asleep and sleep soundly.
- Open blinds or curtains in the morning. Sunlight tells the brain to wake up.
- Exercise during the day. Exercise during the day leads to better sleep at night.
Remember, healthy sleep is a “Back to School” necessity!

Deb Bailey, RN
Health Expert
Deb Bailey is the RN Manager of Sleep Center Neurodiagnostics and Respiratory Care.