For years l’ve written about what my grandkids were up to, into or moving away from. It has always been about how my life has interacted with theirs—the ups, downs and ‘looking forward to’s. Since this summer, I have stood on the sidelines while my husband has been living the dream by playing golf with our grandson. I used to play golf, but arthritis hampers any swing I can even attempt. So I have sent them on their own as they’ve learned to enjoy the sport together.

Standing on the Sidelines

At first, John didn’t say much as he knew I wanted to be out there with them. Once, I did ask if I could just ride in the cart, and I quickly learned that even when you don’t play, it costs money to watch others play. I’m too tight with my spending, so l declined. It was about the same time when I realized I don’t have to be the only grandparent involved in the fun activities. I’m still working on it, but I do understand and enjoy it vicariously. It’s definitely a work in progress.

Our Grandson’s Golfing Experience

Our grandson never played golf in high school. Basketball and baseball were his sports. It was fun to learn he was taking it up while he was in college. He played a bit last year, but really started to hit the links this year. He played with his roommates and sometimes even chose to play the city courses by himself. Then, Grandpa asked him if he could join in on the fun. There was no hesitancy, and soon Grandpa and his grandson were playing weekly.

Golfing Together

After my weekly inquiries, I learned about their games and could create visuals in my head. I soon learned my grandson and husband played from different tee boxes: regular men’s tees and senior tees. Evidently, our grandson could hit the lights out of the ball, which hopefully went in the direction of the green. Grandpa had a better short game, so usually their scores were relatively close. As the summer progressed, our grandson’s short game improved, while Grandpa’s long game was still in need of many, many yards.

A man and his grandson standing on a golf course and smiling.

Finding New Sports to Play

Each time they play golf together, they have a great time with lots of laughter and jokes (hopefully, none about me!). For Grandpa, it’s a dream come true. After our grandson was born, my husband had a needed surgery on his rotator cuff. His goal was to get better and be able to toss the ball with his grandson. They enjoyed each other then, and after a hiatus, they are back enjoying yet another sport together. My husband is thrilled and determined to keep it up.

Keeping Up the Tradition

I know John’s goal is to work hard and continue this new tradition with his only grandson. Perhaps I’ll suggest going South in the winter and add a bit of bribery. It always works—at least it has so far!

Nancy Becker

Nancy Becker

Grandkids & Grandparents

I have four grandchildren ages 14-17. In some ways, I’m a very typical grandma, always proud of everything the kids do and wanting to help support them in whatever way I can. In other ways, I’m not very typical. My goal as a blogger is to share my thoughts and experiences that I think are funny and meaningful as I adventure through grandmahood.

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