It’s summer, and for me the best time to spend with my grandkids! The days are longer, school is out and we can do so many things outside! I’m a nature freak, so for me, it’s a great time to use whatever we see outside to teach. I’ve found learning to be so much more fun when it fits into life or activities. As a child, I learned so much from just spending time outside and exploring. I’ve tried to remember some of what I learned as I plan to spend time with my grandchildren this summer.
Pulling Weeds
Sometimes I like to make fun out of the chores we absolutely have to do. One of those boring tasks is pulling weeds. So here’s one way to make it more fun: Challenge your little ones to create the biggest pile of weeds or see who can pull out the longest root. If those competitive activities become boring, then find a bucket and see how fast you can get the bucket filled!
Watering Flowers and Plants
Another thing we have to do is water the flowers and plants. For some, this is a drudgery, but for my two-year-old granddaughter, this is the chore she loves most. She will water them until they drown. My three-year-old grandson would rather pick the flowers than water, so we have to adapt a bit at times. Water, then make bouquets!
Catching Critters
One of our favorite family outdoor activities is to go fishing at the pond down the street. My son and husband are avid fishermen and are great teachers for the little ones. However, their attention spans aren’t very long. It often ends up that the guys are still fishing and Grandma takes the kids “hunting.” Gracie and I have spent hours (literally) “snail hunting,” or hunting for roly pollies. I save plastic containers with lids all during the winter and use them for hunting all summer. The kids love it, and I love sending their “pets” home!
Summer is such a great time to be creative in ways to make fun memories with your grandchildren! It doesn’t have to be a strenuous, thoroughly planned activity or trip. Just the little things like bug hunting, digging in the dirt, taking walks and spending time together. Those are the lasting memories and that they’ll remember and treasure as they get older.

Grandkids & Grandparents
I have been married to the greatest guy on earth, Mark, for 30 years. We have three wonderful children and three of the cutest grandchildren in the world, of course. And to our great delight, we have two more grandchildren due in March! As I blog each month, you will meet each of the members of my family as they are the reason that I have anything to say at all.