As our grandkids have gotten older, there have been fewer and fewer times we’ve had the pleasure of hosting overnight stays. There was a time when their parents would attend evening events, so the kids would spend the night. It was always a really special time when all four grandkids would join us for a sleepover. They’d pack their PJs and toys. They’d sleep in forts built out of blankets in the basement. At least we thought they slept. They’d wake up and request chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast…though, the request was more like lots of syrup with a side order of pancakes.
Times have changed, and we’ve all grown older. The sleepovers have pretty much ended.
But recently, our daughter and granddaughter were in Kansas City for a volleyball tournament, and our son-in-law was in Denver for a conference, meaning Grandma and Grandpa were to play host to our grandson for a couple of days. Yippee! We were excited!
A Few Days with Grandma & Grandpa
I picked our grandson up at his house after school. I was amazed at the amount of stuff he brought with him. There was a backpack for baseball equipment and clothes, a backpack for basketball equipment and clothes, a backpack for school clothes and finally a backpack for homework. I felt like I should have rented Two Men and a Truck for the short three-mile trip.
I did a quick inventory of our bathroom and spare bedrooms in the basement. I quickly noticed I hadn’t changed very many things. In the bathroom, there were still baggies that held each grandkid’s toothbrush. Even the Spongebob Squarepants tube of toothpaste was still there. I squeezed the toothpaste tube, and the paste still felt soft. Does toothpaste have an expiration date? No date was printed on the tube, so I figured it was good to go.
Then I wondered if he would even brush his teeth. Should I remind him? Probably not appropriate for me to stand over him watching, especially since he’s so much taller than Grandma! I decided to be positive, assuming he would be hygienic and take care of all his duties.
Taking Care of My Grandson
School was over, baseball practice was over, and we went to our house for supper and studying for a math test. By 6:30 p.m., we were back in the car for basketball practice. By 9 p.m., we were back home and he was handing me a laundry basket full of clothes. Some were sweaty from the day’s practice; others were wet from a baseball game played in the rain two days earlier. The request was politely made. “Could you please wash these? I need the baseball uniform for tomorrow’s game.”
I happily put off my 9:15 p.m. bedtime reading to wash his clothes. I laughed at myself thinking what I would’ve said to my husband had he asked me to wash and dry his clothes at 9 p.m. But this request didn’t come from my husband. It came from my only grandson. I did the best job washing, drying and folding those clothes I think I’ve ever done. Nothing is too good for him.
I did one last peek downstairs after I finished folding his clothes. His light was off, and I assumed he was in bed and asleep. Whew! Halfway there.
I grabbed my phone to text his mom one last time to let her know all was good in Lincoln. She texted me asking that we keep his phone upstairs. Ugh. I considered going back down and getting the phone, but then I remembered I’m the GRANDMA, and I was going to make the decision to call it a night. After all, he is our only grandson.
The only thing missing from his stay with us was the request for chocolate chip pancakes. Alas, when one wakes up 30 minutes before leaving for school, there’s not enough time. Maybe we’ll save that one for the next time.

Nancy Becker
Grandkids & Grandparents
I have four grandchildren ages 14-17. In some ways, I’m a very typical grandma, always proud of everything the kids do and wanting to help support them in whatever way I can. In other ways, I’m not very typical. My goal as a blogger is to share my thoughts and experiences that I think are funny and meaningful as I adventure through grandmahood.
Looking for a Fun Way to Spend Time with Your Grandchildren?
Take them out to the ballpark on Friday, June 9 for Bryan Kids’ Club Home Run for Health with the Lincoln Saltdogs! The fun begins at 4:30 p.m. with pre-game activities, including interactive health booths, bounce houses, a meet-and-greet with players, and more! Watch the Lincoln Saltdogs take on the Laredo Lemurs at 6:45 p.m. followed by a fireworks show.