Our granddaughter has been playing volleyball since she was five years old, and I hate to say it’s coming to an end.
On the Leaderboard
When she was in elementary school, she was short but made up for her lack of height with her hustle. It’s almost as if she was born to play. She followed all the rules, understood the game, and moved around the court with ease and grace. In middle school, she continued to learn the ins and outs of the game and improved her skills. While in high school, she started as a libero for three years, improving majorly every year. Her name is still on the leaderboard at Southeast High School for her number of digs!
Small But Mighty
Following her success in high school, she was accepted to play in college at the University of Missouri Kansas City. Even though she was only a five-foot-two libero, she excelled as a Kangaroo. While playing at UMKC, she garnered awards and multiple recognitions for her digs—including the conference libero of the year.
After graduating from UMKC, she had a COVID-19 year, so she decided to travel to another state. Butler University in Indianapolis made her an offer, so she spent her year as a Bulldog nine hours from Lincoln. We make the trip to Indiana as often as we can. She is still known for digging the volleyball off the court floor and getting it into position for her team members. But even now, I’m still waiting on her growth spurt.
The Final Home Game
Last week, we went to Butler to see her play in her final home game. It was an honor to be there. For “Senior Night” at one of the matches, she told me to watch the big screen during the introductions. I waited with great anticipation but had no clue what she was talking about. Finally, my granddaughter came on the screen and recognized me as one of her female mentors who inspires her every day. I teared up.
After the game, I asked her why she recognized me and not her mom. She said everyone else was recognizing their mothers, and she wanted to do something different. I wasn’t sure whether it was a compliment, but I took it as one.
Can You Dig It?
A phrase used by my generation that once meant “Do you understand it?” takes on a whole new meaning. My granddaughter can certainly dig it. Her ability and tenacity on and off the court are about ready to be unleashed on the world. She’ll teach the world to dig it!

Nancy Becker
Grandkids & Grandparents
I have four grandchildren ages 14-17. In some ways, I’m a very typical grandma, always proud of everything the kids do and wanting to help support them in whatever way I can. In other ways, I’m not very typical. My goal as a blogger is to share my thoughts and experiences that I think are funny and meaningful as I adventure through grandmahood.