Thinking About Grandparenthood
I used to wonder if my relationship with my grandkids was unique or if every grandma had the same experience. I think this is pretty naive, as each grandma is unique and has a different relationship with each of her grandkids. I know all of my grandkids are also unique. Maybe I’ve watched too many TV shows or read too many books that describe what a “normal relationship with your grandchild” looks like.
Embracing Change & Reflection
I have a separate but equal relationship with each of my precious grandkids. As they have grown, I’ve noticed they each go through phases of feeling unsure of themselves, or less confident than they were the last week we talked.
Then I realize I’m also changing, and each day is unique. One thing I have learned as l’ve grown older is the value of finding a quiet place to sort through my thoughts. I have to turn the TV off so I can relax my mind and process.
I’ve encouraged my grandkids to find a place where they can be quiet, like a nice park, a certain spot in their apartment or any quiet place to think and reflect on the past or upcoming week, even if it’s only for five minutes.
Our Sunday Texts
About a year ago, I came up with the idea of sending them a text every Sunday. I picked Sundays as it’s the only day of the week that none of them are working. On Sunday afternoons, I find a quiet time to take notes about things that are connecting with me at that moment. It could be anything from the music I’m listening to on my walks to a recent chat with a friend. I always include thoughts about my feelings or beliefs, and I sometimes include some additional comments.
Each week is different. During the last two weeks of August, I joined the drop-in choir and sang gospel music. I commented on the fun songs and how the words moved me. I realize what inspires me and brings me joy may not connect to any emotion for my grandkids, but they know it’s straight from my heart.
Depending on their individual schedules, the kids always give me some type of response. Their responses may be a smiley face or a laughing face depending on what I wrote that day. Sometimes they even reply with…(wait for it)…words! I’m thankful as I’ve never received a pile of poop emoji, and I hope I never will.
Last Sunday’s Takeaway
This past Sunday was unique. My husband, John, had back surgery on Monday, and it didn’t go perfectly. The surgery involved clearing out some arthritis around the spine. During surgery, the spinal cord’s covering moved and ended up with a small tear. They immediately glued and patched it.
However, on Wednesday, they had to return John to surgery, assuming that some spinal fluid had leaked into his system. Thankfully, he returned from his second surgery feeling much better. Yippee! The next day, I was able to bring him home. He was still in pain but doing much better.
Since our grandkids are so special to both of us, I wanted to make sure I informed them of what had happened to their grandpa. They were very grateful to hear the good results and immediately connected with him.
Our grandkids are used to receiving my normal Sunday thoughts, but this was a unique takeaway. Let’s hope I can get back to sharing the more mundane takeaways with them, like being kind to others, listening to your heart and living a life of joy and peace.

Nancy Becker
Grandkids & Grandparents
I have four grandchildren ages 14-17. In some ways, I’m a very typical grandma, always proud of everything the kids do and wanting to help support them in whatever way I can. In other ways, I’m not very typical. My goal as a blogger is to share my thoughts and experiences that I think are funny and meaningful as I adventure through grandmahood.