Christmas is coming, which means it’s time to write a letter to Santa Claus!

During the holiday season, Cohen writes a letter with gift ideas for our relatives and with his one big gift idea for Santa. We have been doing this for about two years now, and have learned a lot about Christmas lists. Last year, we tried to explain the meaning of Christmas and why people give and receive gifts. Making a Christmas list for Santa helped Cohen understand and it helped us know what gifts he wanted.

A Christmas List Goes a Long Way… For Some

So this year, Cohen asked if he could make his list for Santa. We grabbed a pen, paper and made our way to the store. This year was a little different however — we didn’t factor in Collyns and her age.

When we arrived at the store, Cohen and his dad took off to the LEGO aisle while Collyns and I strolled throughout the store. She loves sitting in the cart while she helps mom “pick” what to wear. When we finally made it to the toy aisle, she wanted out of the cart and headed straight to the toys that are at her eye level. And that’s when the tantrums began.

With Collyns only being 19 months old, she doesn’t understand the reason behind making a Christmas list. She wanted everything in sight. The first aisle was a stuffed animal. I, of course, took the animal and put it back thus leading to the first meltdown. There I was, at Target, with my daughter on the floor kicking and screaming. I could feel the other customers’ eyes shooting daggers into me. So I decided to handle her tantrums by letting her have them and only moving on until after she calmed down. Well, this happened in every aisle. From one toy to the next, what Collyns grabbed had to be put back. All the while she was screaming on the floor.

Meanwhile, Mitch and Cohen are enjoying their time picking out different toys, athletic gear and clothes to go on his list. Finally, Mitch and Cohen meet up with us in the Barbie aisle. Of course, they knew exactly where to find us. They just followed the screams.

After reasoning with Collyns, we left the store for nap time. Mitch and I hope next year will be different, and that Collyns will begin to know the significance in making a Christmas list… or maybe Cohen and dad will go to the store by themselves.

Mallory Connelly

Mallory Connelly

Babies & Toddlers

In addition to the time I devote to being a mom, I also work full-time outside the home, which means my day is hardly ever as simple as nine to five. With an all-too-established schedule, as soon as I walk through the door, my day doesn’t end, but rather just begins. It’s a balancing act, especially with two children, but being a mom is one full-time job that I never want to quit!

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