Happy New Year!
Whether it’s spending more time with family and friends, focusing on fitness, quitting a bad habit, or saving money, this is the time of year when many people think about changes they want or need to make. Everyone has a mental list of habits they would like to change, and the New Yearseems like a perfect time to begin. But for moms, our lists get put aside. We tend to put everyone else’s needs in front of our own. Each year, I have resolutions and each year I tell myself that I will find time to act on them, but here I sit, at the end of another year, ready to give last year’s list another shot in 2015.
So the question I continue to struggle with is, “How do I find time for me?” This has been a hard question for me to answer since I became a mom.
Making time for myself and my health
For more than a year now, I have been going to boot camp, an exercise program that meets three times a week. Although I know exercising is good for me, I thought taking time away from my precious family was wrong. After working all day, I thought I should spend my “free” time with my family when I got home. It was hard for me to justify leaving my children, laundry, yard work or the dishes to go do something for myself. I was already missing so much throughout the day so I felt like I needed to be home with them at night. Working out at home is not an option because I discovered stuff piles up and baby items take up a lot of room after having two children. Sure, when it’s nice outside I could always go running, but I am no runner. You might ask, “What about a gym?” Well, I have belonged to several gyms, but my membership usually goes unused. Spending a lot of money on boot camp makes me attend. I also push myself a lot more in a group setting. It helps having someone there to encourage me to keep going to stay on track.
Taking care of myself
I knew if I wasn’t happy about myself, then I wouldn’t be happy with my family. If I didn’t take care of myself now, then I may not be around to take care of my kids later. Sure, some of the little things don’t get taken care of right away, but rest assured they will still be there when I get home. I realized there are no excuses when it comes to my health and wanting to feel my best for my family.
A happier mom benefits my family
Thankfully, I have a support system at home and maybe one day when my children are older we can work out as a family. As it turns out, I came to the conclusion that spending time on myself can and will end up benefiting my whole family in the long run. As a result, my lists of resolutions got a little bit shorter.
Happy, healthy and hurried — that’s me heading into the best year of my life. Here I come, 2015!

Mallory Connelly
Babies & Toddlers
In addition to the time I devote to being a mom, I also work full-time outside the home, which means my day is hardly ever as simple as nine to five. With an all-too-established schedule, as soon as I walk through the door, my day doesn’t end, but rather just begins. It’s a balancing act, especially with two children, but being a mom is one full-time job that I never want to quit!