Many of the traditions we started when our grandkids were infants are long gone. Traditions from when they were in elementary and middle school are still present, but they have also been modified in one way or another. Changes to traditions usually result when schedules conflict and we can’t always get everyone together. I’ve decided it’s OK to recognize that traditions can grow and adjust with the kids as long as we can get together.
Old Holiday Traditions Turned New
One of our Christmas traditions is having the grandkids help us decorate the inside of our house on the weekend following Thanksgiving. This was always the perfect time as we all had a 4-day weekend from school. In the early years, we all traveled to the tree farm to cut down our tree, but that changed when our oldest granddaughter developed allergies to tree pollen. We all adjusted. I have discovered fake trees are just fine, and I certainly appreciate not having to pick the pine needles out of the carpet. I am still working on having a New Years party so that when the grandkids come over, they can help me take all the decorations down. That would be wonderful!
Being Grandma Brings an Advantage in Holiday Traditions
Another holiday tradition with the grandkids is decorating sugar cookies. In elementary, they challenged each other to see who could put the most frosting, sprinkles, etc. on each cookie. I can’t tell you how many years I’d find those nasty silver balls in the pantry corner, or wandering red hots in the silverware drawer. No matter how hard I tried to keep everything and everyone clean, we all made a terrible mess. I am proud to say they were on a sugar high for several days. Yep, it is true, one of the benefits of being a grandma is sending them home at the end of the day.
Making Memories out of Holiday Traditions
One memorable decorating year was when our grandson was three years old. We were working on the mantle, and all the kids had a great time hanging their own stocking. The stockings are hung from a brass reindeer, and there is one for each of the grandkids, our girls, their husbands and grandma. Grandpa’s stocking hangs from Santa’s sleigh. (Personally, I think grandma could drive the sleigh just as well as grandpa, but I’m not going to push it). Our grandson was thrilled with the hanging of his stocking. He was so thrilled, he pulled on the stocking, which brought down his brass reindeer, which hit him on the lip.
Blood? Yes!
Grandson screaming? Yes!
Crying from everyone else? Yes!
Did he survive? Yes!
Scar? No!
The wound healed nicely. I still feel guilty about the episode, but we laugh about it every year.
Thinking of Tomorrow’s Holiday Traditions
Traditions may change again once the grandkids start college. Their lives may take them to other places, and I’m not sure what those changes will include. Heck, it may even be me who requires some adjustments. I hate to admit that fact as I try my hardest to keep up with them, but I can’t be sure what will happen tomorrow, let alone years from now. What I do know is we will continue to cherish each fun-filled holiday tradition with our grandkids, whether those traditions be old or new.

Nancy Becker
Grandkids & Grandparents
I have four grandchildren ages 14-17. In some ways, I’m a very typical grandma, always proud of everything the kids do and wanting to help support them in whatever way I can. In other ways, I’m not very typical. My goal as a blogger is to share my thoughts and experiences that I think are funny and meaningful as I adventure through grandmahood.