I am so fortunate to have my grandchildren living close to me. I know many, many grandparents don’t have the benefit of being able to see their grandchildren regularly. However, even though we live in the same city, there are times when circumstances don’t allow us to connect as often as I would like. My heart gets a little restless and I start missing those little faces. It’s most often those times that I am reminded to pray for each of my kiddos.
This is something I started when my children began school. I wish I could say I started praying the day they were born, but that would not be the truth. I was a stay at home mom and was with them all the time, so I felt like I was “in control.” When they started school, I felt that control begin to slip. That’s when I really found the discipline of prayer. I’ve seen it work too many times to question its effectiveness. So now I also pray for their children and I started the day they were born.
What do I pray for?
I begin with their hands
Yes, I pray for their hands. I pray for the things their hands will do. That they will learn to have gentle hands, not harsh hands. Hands that love the hands of others easily, not hesitantly. I pray that their hands will work hard and enjoy the work they do. I pray they have hands that are giving. This world needs more people who are willing to be givers.
I also pray for their feet
I love baby feet. They remind me of how new and innocent these children are. I pray that those feet walk in safety. I pray this one a lot. Sometimes, grandmas worry more than parents, if that is possible. So I very often pray for their safety. I also pray that those little feet go on many adventures and explore their world. This world, with all its faults and dangers, is a very exciting and interesting place! I pray they find their place in it.
Finally, I pray for their hearts
I pray that their hearts will be soft and strong. Soft to the feelings of others. Soft to the instructions of their parents. And soft to the voice of God, to be able to hear Him as they go through life. I pray for strong hearts that are bold when other friends make wrong decisions. Strong hearts that stand for what is right when it’s not popular. And strong hearts of confidence in their passions and abilities. I pray their hearts will connect with other hearts that are also strong and soft, so they find love themselves.
I pray they find that simple little prayers have changed their lives and can change the lives of those they love. And I pray that they will then begin to pray for their children and grandchildren one day, just like I prayed for them.

Grandkids & Grandparents
I have been married to the greatest guy on earth, Mark, for 30 years. We have three wonderful children and three of the cutest grandchildren in the world, of course. And to our great delight, we have two more grandchildren due in March! As I blog each month, you will meet each of the members of my family as they are the reason that I have anything to say at all.