One advantage of ‘growing up’ is being a grandparent. The joy of spending time with your grandkids is priceless. So, you want to do all you can to stay healthy and fit, and to find ideas for great ways to spend quality time together. We can help!
Recent Posts for Grandparents
From Generation to Generation
The Holiday season was a great one for our family. All the grandkids make it back to Lincoln. We were together for Christmas and the following week. We laughed, we talked about what was going on in our lives and they even had time to help me take down some of the...
Looking at All Sides of an Issue
I read the following the other day and I thought it made a great deal of sense as I wonder what my grandkids are thinking about today’s world: You can give them your love, but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. -Kahil Gilbran I don’t follow a...
A Progressive Grandma, That’s Me!
I’ve always thought I was a progressive grandma. I have tried to model an accepting, caring, giving type of behavior. For years, I included the grandkids in my time volunteering with the Food Bank, Malone Center and Vacation Bible School. The grandkids stuck with me...
Small Changes to Make the World Better
During the pandemic, I tried lots of new things. I enrolled in many online lessons to stay active during lockdown. I also used these diversions to provide some levity to my grandkids' lives. I didn’t expect them to take on my new challenges or learn new skills, but I...
Dealing with “Zoom Dysmorphia”
I learned the meaning of a new phrase the other day. As a retired educator, I hope I continue to learn new words, theories and skills. You’re never too old. My grandkids continue to teach me new techniques for using the phone and live streaming on the TV. You’re never...
Accepting My Graying Hair
During COVID-19, John and I were very isolated. We only ventured out to the grocery store and drugstore. I think we survived rather well and made good use of Zooming with the grandkids and learning how to FaceTime. They were always very patient with me and gave me...
Learning How to Play Pickleball
As I age, I have tried to keep active. Just keep moving. I play golf, go to the gym and play pickleball. The grandkids appreciate my efforts and ask often what I’m doing to keep active. I've told them story after story of my sporting past, which is non-existent. When...
Starting a Business During the Pandemic
This past year and a half has been interesting. Vaccinations have changed life dramatically. Being able to hug my grandkids with more gusto, probably much to their chagrin, since everyone has received their shots. Seeing book club friends for the first time in years...
Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine and Giving Back as a Volunteer
I can’t believe COVID-19 is still here. I don’t know what I expected back in March 2020, but I never imagined it would grow to such a threat and become so devastating to the world. I frequently will remark to my grandkids about the pandemic and how I’ve never seen...
Celebrating Easter Over Zoom
I don’t need to tell you that this is the second Easter of the pandemic. It’s funny how I’m starting to keep track of events by connecting them to COVID-19. Many of our friends have received their second vaccine, but we're just starting to talk about getting together...
Learning How to Use New Electronics to Stay Connected
We’ve been having problems with our cell phone and laptop lately. The electronic “fix it” stores could no longer help us as our devices were so old. How old were they? They were so old that I still used the chisel on my clay tablet. Getting Help From Our Granddaughter...
Valentine’s Day Throughout the Years
Valentine’s Day has always been special in our house. My mother’s birthday was on February 14th, so growing up my sister and I always had plenty of cake and presents in our house to celebrate both events. I remember giving out valentines to all my classmates in...
Online Health Screenings
Take time for yourself and your health. Free, confidential online health screenings are a great way to find out if you’re at risk for health problems and steps you can take to remain healthy. We offer a variety of screenings to you for heart, lung, sleep, weight and mental health. They’re available anywhere, anytime.
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Online Screenings: A Simple Test Could Save Your Life
Take time for yourself and your health. Some health conditions can be predicted and prevented. But you have to take action. Free, confidential online health screenings are a great way to find out if you’re at risk for health problems.