I’ve listened to Matthew McConaughey’s audiobook Greenlights three times since I bought it in March. He starts out his memoir by discussing his approach to life and explained that he remembered more of his life than he forgot through reading his journals. This had me pondering what I wrote in my journals. This line caught my attention and I read it multiple times:

“I live life forward but I learn about life backwards.”

I don’t necessarily know why I wrote this as the writing around it did not go together. However, I do think there is some truth to this—learning about life backwards. Looking back, dots started connecting a long time ago to the trip my husband and I are on now.

Connecting the Dots

The dots to what this passage is teaching me started connecting three years ago after my mom passed away. I took my kids on the trip of a lifetime to all of my mom’s favorite places on the East Coast she dreamed about going to. It was nearly two weeks of learning and experiencing life in seven different states. Our family took the trip—mom never got to take the trip—but we did.

The dots continued connecting last May. After the end of the unprecedented school year, my husband took a five-day trip of self reflection. Even though I was completely nervous to send him on a trip of unknown roads across Nebraska, he needed this trip. He needed to reconnect with his purpose in life and look at life through his camera lens. I may have been scared for him, but I encouraged him and he chose to take the trip.

In November, the dots continued to connect. Our oldest daughter applied and accepted a summer position at a Christian camp in Texas. This is one experience we told her she could not turn down. She was excited about this opportunity but as time drew closer, nervousness crept in. We hugged her and gave her all of our love. Yet, she is the one who chose to get in her car and drive to this amazing experience.

Choosing to Take the Trip

Now here we are in May—one year after my husband’s trip. A trip to Jamaica with our friends, one we have planned since January. Through all of the unknowns and thoughts of “will we even be able to go?”, we passed our travel authorizations, took our COVID tests and took the trip. We chose to take the trip.

When we choose to take the trip, we live life forward and we experience life. Yet, when we look backward, we learn why choosing the trip is so important. Self-discovery, pursuit of passions but most of all, for me it’s the need to fill my bucket. As a mom and an introvert, I get emptied out quite quickly, and I needed the time of laughter and tranquillity.

When I choose to take the trip, life teaches me what I need to know at that moment. I just learn about life looking back. Next time life gives you a trip no matter how short or how long, choose to take it.

Shelly Mowinkel

Shelly Mowinkel

K-12 & Teens

My husband and I have three kids. Our oldest is a freshman in high school, and our youngest is in second grade. Most days, I feel like we are a “tag-team chauffeuring” service, yet I wouldn’t have our life any other way. Not only I am a business/technology teacher at Milford, I am also the district technology integration specialist. I love teaching because I get the opportunity to make those around me better. My hope is that, through my blogging, I am able to inspire, encourage, and share with you my adventures of being a wife, mother, and professional.

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