I did it. I walked away from coaching the sport I love. After nearly 20 years, I walked away from coaching at the high school varsity level. And after eight years, I will walk away as a CapitalMOM blogger at the year’s end. Through all of the joy and angst, I have grown in more ways than one through these experiences. My hope has always been that I brought joy to someone’s life—even if it is only in the slightest fashion.

The Benefits of a Grateful Heart

A grateful heart has more power than we can imagine. The most important lesson I learned along the way is when I shared joy, whether intentional or unsolicited, my heart was brimming. I wanted to dive into how a grateful heart has changed my life.

How Gratitude Changes Your Life

A grateful heart is a beacon of positivity, illuminating every aspect of life with its transformative power. When I cultivate gratitude, my mental and emotional well-being improves. Gratitude shifts focus from what is lacking to what is abundant, giving me a sense of fulfillment.

Builds Resilience

Whether an opportunity is by choice or happenstance, I always try to find the good, even though there are many times I contemplate what lesson I am to be learning. In times of adversity, a grateful heart provides resilience, helping individuals navigate challenges with a positive mindset.

Better Relationships & Health

Gratitude enhances relationships, opening the door to empathy and understanding and strengthening connections with others. Moreover, a grateful heart is scientifically proven to reduce stress, boost your immune system and improve overall physical health.

A More Joyful, Compassionate World

Finally, embracing gratitude enriched my life. I fully believe it contributes to a more joyful, compassionate world where appreciation for the beauty of existence becomes a shared virtue.

It’s a constant reminder of life’s simple pleasures, encouraging mindfulness and a heightened awareness of the present moment. Writing a simple, encouraging note brought me more joy than the person I wrote the message to.

My Challenge to You…

As we write the last chapters of 2023 and the weather brings rain, snow, wind and sun, I challenge you to fill your heart with gratitude. Make it a point to list four blessings each day and see how your life improves because a grateful heart has more power than we can imagine.

Shelly Mowinkel

Shelly Mowinkel

K-12 & Teens

My husband and I have three kids. Our oldest is a freshman in high school, and our youngest is in second grade. Most days, I feel like we are a “tag-team chauffeuring” service, yet I wouldn’t have our life any other way. Not only I am a business/technology teacher at Milford, I am also the district technology integration specialist. I love teaching because I get the opportunity to make those around me better. My hope is that, through my blogging, I am able to inspire, encourage, and share with you my adventures of being a wife, mother, and professional.

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