Shelly Mowinkel

Finding a Career Path & Writing Your Life’s Story

Finding a Career Path & Writing Your Life’s Story

As I sit here and write this blog, I find myself just staring at my desk. I look at the notes taped to my computer screen, the pile of speaker notes and dates, the reminder to order a basketball team picture, a filled-in calendar with crossed-out days and a framed...

Dress for Interview Success

Dress for Interview Success

There are moms who love prom dress shopping and there are moms who love wedding dress shopping. Then there's me. I love to take my daughters shopping for interview clothing. Now, I haven't had the opportunity to go wedding dress shopping yet, but I sure do hope it...

One Way to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution

One Way to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution

The start of a new year—an opportunity to start fresh, set goals and resolutions, and on and on and on. Somewhere, someone has already given up on their resolutions just reading this never-ending laundry list. Here are my recommendations for creating a New Year's...

Past & Presents: A Holiday Gift to Remember

Past & Presents: A Holiday Gift to Remember

Nearly five years later, I can still vividly see my mom at her quilting machine. Perfectly piecing together different colors of fabric and swiftly moving them through the sewing machine. I can remember seeing my aunts’ watery eyes glisten when they opened a quilt...

Beyond the Softball Diamond: Life’s Best Pep Talks

Beyond the Softball Diamond: Life’s Best Pep Talks

Most of you know I am a high school softball coach. I also get the privilege of coaching my daughter, our starting shortstop. There are many opportunities for me to not only teach skills and techniques about the sport but also about life beyond the softball diamond. I...

Avoiding the Comparison Trap

Avoiding the Comparison Trap

As I was scrolling through social media today, I stopped on one post and thought to myself, “I sure wish I had it all put together, like she has.” Her make-up is perfect. Look at her perfectly sculpted abs. Her outfit is impeccable. Her home looks immaculate and the...

How I’m Developing Healthier Eating Habits

How I’m Developing Healthier Eating Habits

I have shared that I loathe cooking and baking of any sort with you all before, however, I do value nutrition. I seek out blogs, conversations and articles about healthy cooking, providing healthy snacks and connecting with food. I recently listened to a sports...

Facing My Travel Fears

Facing My Travel Fears

Wanderlust: a strong desire to travel. There has always been this deep desire in my heart to travel. For some reason, hopping on an airplane is exhilarating and all part of the adventure. Once upon a time, I even tried to convince my dad into investing in a new...

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