Pregnancy & Babies
The birth of your baby is one of the most exciting times in your life. From the happiness of finding out you’re pregnant, to the pure joy you experience holding your baby for the first time; we’re here to provide you with helpful information and resources every step of the way.
Recent Posts About Pregnancy & Babies
Trusted Health Care for You and Your Child Virtually Anywhere
“Mom, I don’t feel good!” Those five little words can throw your entire day off the rails. You wonder, “Does my child need to be seen? Can I get her in for an appointment today? What if she needs a prescription? I don’t have time for this today!”
How to Survive All-Nighters as a Mother
After finishing school, you think the all-nighters are over. But then you become a parent and realize staying up with a screaming child is a little different than staying up all night studying or staying out late at a party.
Thrift Store Shopping: How We Save on Baby Items
When I was pregnant with Cohen, I was your typical first time mom. I wanted to buy everything new — from toys to clothes to all of baby’s firsts. I never realized how expensive baby items were until we started shopping.
The Dangers of Parenting Comparisons
When I had my first baby, many of my friends were also having their first children. We were all new parents together watching our kids roll over for the first time, take first steps and say first words.
Having a Shared Birthday Party
Parents today, including me, plan joint birthdays for the same reason our mothers did. It’s not only cheaper, but also much more convenient than throwing two. This year was the first time I had to wrestle with the decision to plan one or two birthday parties.
Rolling With Changes After Two New Grandchildren
Life is full of changes and change can be a challenge no matter who you are. Often times, change, good or bad, complicates things even more. Some personalities are just resistant to change while others are pretty adaptable.
Potty Training
When I began thinking about potty training Cohen, I sought advice from anyone and everyone. The most common response I received was “good luck!” At the time, Cohen was two and a half years old and wanted nothing to do with learning how to go potty like a big boy.
Bedside Sleeper vs. the Crib
Every parent has heard the stories of losing sleep and becoming a zombie for the first year of a child’s life. Well, my first year with Cohen was no different with endless, sleepless nights! From the moment he was born, the only way he would sleep was in someone’s arms.
A New Year, A New You
Whether it’s spending more time with family and friends, focusing on fitness, quitting a bad habit, or saving money, this is the time of year when many people think about changes they want or need to make.
Balancing Holiday Schedules
As we approach the holiday season, we tend to think of it as a time of enjoyment and festivities. But this time of year brings a great deal of stress! I have no doubt there will be many different disputes that couples will face in the weeks to come.
Meet Mallory
Hello! Let me start out by saying I have a news background, and I am used to sticking to the who, what, where, when and whys of a story. I don’t ever go into details, and rarely do I share my feelings on paper, so this blog is a new experience…but here it goes…
3 Things I Actually Like About Being a Parent With Type 1 Diabetes
I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when I was 6 years old. It’s an auto-immune condition that requires me to do some of the (very critical) work my pancreas once did: balancing food, exercise, stress, sleep, and dozens of other factors with just the right doses of insulin.
Childbirth & Parenting Classes
We’re here to help you and your family prepare, not only for the birth but also for life after baby. Bryan offers a range of classes and events for expecting parents and family members.
Find a Doctor for Baby & You
Whether you’re pregnant or thinking about it, one of your first big decisions is choosing a doctor. Another important decision is choosing a doctor for your baby; you will want to do this before your baby is born.
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Hospital Packing List
Be prepared for your big day with our hospital bag packing list for you, your baby and support person.
Preregister Your Birth
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