As your child grows and enters the teen years, there’s a lot to consider and think to ensure your child is safe, happy and healthy. From physical care to emotional and behavioral care, we’re here to help. Our experts can provide guidance for parents and youth, so you have the skills to take on new growth opportunities.
Recent Posts About K-12 Kids
We Need to Stay Present in Our Kids’ Lives
Drugs. Sexting. Alcohol. Dating violence. One online search would find a plethora of articles discussing high school students and these dangers. And right there, I stopped myself.
Should Kids Write Thank You Notes?
Growing up, I was required to write thank you notes for all my birthdays. My grandma would always call after my birthday and ask if I’d gotten her card in the mail. I always felt awful if I didn’t acknowledge her with a phone call or note.
We Learn From Our Failures, Not Our Successes
Failure. A word most of us cringe at and try to avoid. Who wants to fail? Normally, I would believe many of us are not actively seeking to fail. However, I have come to realize that failure is an integral part of the learning/growing process.
Is This a Drop-Off Birthday Party or One Where the Parent Stays?
Parenting is never smooth sailing. For the big problems, I seek guidance from my pediatrician or other professional advisors. But for the “how-to” questions or the non-emergency “glitches,” I turn to my parents or my parenting peers. My most recent question was a little tricky.
I’m a Better Mom When I Have a Routine
I told my kids this the other day: “I’m so excited for school to be in session. I’m a better mom when I am teaching.” All three of our kids gave me a blank stare.
Setting Screen Time Rules for Your Family
Here we go again. Another school year is underway, and that means homework and after-school activities. But when homework is done and there aren’t any after-school activities, a lot of parents wonder, “Is it okay to give my child the iPad or allow them to watch TV?”
Is My Child a Picky Eater or Problem Feeder?
Chicken nuggets, corn dogs, french fries, grilled cheese…repeat, repeat, repeat! Sound like a familiar menu in your household? Kids tend to gravitate toward processed, bland foods because these foods are predictable and easy to eat.
I’m Not Wired to Just Stand Around
I couldn’t wait for this year’s county fair. I was looking forward to it. This year would be the first year that all three of our kids would be showing sheep and cows, and they would all be at the fair with their dad and grandpa. Which meant free time for me to walk, read or relax. (Yes, probably a little selfish.)
Back-to-School Anxiety
A new school year is approaching, and my son Cohen is currently in “first grade meltdown” mode at any mention of the word school.
Community Service with My Grandkids
During the summer months, volunteers are more apt to be on vacation, so we frequently find ourselves in need of additional help. Occasionally, one or all of my grandkids will help out, and their support is always greatly appreciated.
A Letter to My Daughter About Disappointment & Joy
We all have those moments where we’re extremely proud of our children, and then we have those moments where we’re just flat out disappointed in them. And you know what, that goes for myself as well.
Realizing You’re Not the Fun Parent
This weekend, I realized I’m not the fun parent. I try to do fun things with the kids, but when my husband is involved he’s like a big kid himself. Our children’s faces light up when Dad’s around.
Navigating the Path Together
Today’s youth have a lot to handle. It can be overwhelming – for your child and for you as a parent. If you have questions about behaviors you see in your child, we can help.
When You Need Care
Getting sick or hurt is never convenient. From minor illnesses and injuries to serious health conditions, turn to Bryan. We provide the expertise and care you need. Choose from our online Bryan Health ezVisit to Bryan Urgent Care walk-in clinic to three emergency rooms ready to help you.