
As your child grows and enters the teen years, there’s a lot to consider and think to ensure your child is safe, happy and healthy. From physical care to emotional and behavioral care, we’re here to help. Our experts can provide guidance for parents and youth, so you have the skills to take on new growth opportunities.

Recent Posts About K-12 Kids

The Awkward Phone Call

The Awkward Phone Call

About a year ago, my freshman daughter told me that a friend of hers (who happened to be a boy) had invited her over to his house on a Saturday night along with a handful of other freshmen kids to “hang out.”

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How to End the School Year Strong

How to End the School Year Strong

By May 1, my attitude toward everything related to school gets sadly apathetic. I have grown weary of dirty backpacks, papers, worksheets, homework folders, science projects, forms to sign, end-of-the-year parties, concerts to find black pants for and the never-ending donation requests.

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Age-Appropriate Chores

Age-Appropriate Chores

Unloading the dishwasher, doing laundry, dusting, vacuuming, feeding the pets, making the bed — the list goes on and on. All of these items are daily tasks at my home that my husband and I usually do, but now our kids are at ages when they can start helping.

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Deciding on a Kindergarten

Deciding on a Kindergarten

Choosing between public or private has been a debate in our household ever since Mitch and I discussed starting a family. Growing up, I went to a private school and loved it. Mitch went to a public school and didn’t have a problem.

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Preparing a Teen for Their First Job

Preparing a Teen for Their First Job

As I daydreamed about my kids being completely financially independent, I remembered they are also full-time students. As much as I rant about the importance of grades and activities, working too many hours a week would definitely take away from study time.

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Surviving Your New Driver

Surviving Your New Driver

Learning to drive is a rite of passage. At some point, everyone takes a turn. I remember the joy of turning 16 and getting my first real driver’s license. It meant that I could officially take our two-tone brown 1976 Granada down to McDonalds for a Coke all by myself.

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Navigating the Path Together

Today’s youth have a lot to handle. It can be overwhelming – for your child and for you as a parent. If you have questions about behaviors you see in your child, we can help.

When You Need Care

Getting sick or hurt is never convenient. From minor illnesses and injuries to serious health conditions, turn to Bryan. We provide the expertise and care you need. Choose from our online Bryan Health ezVisit to Bryan Urgent Care walk-in clinic to three emergency rooms ready to help you.

Pediatric Therapy

When your child faces challenges from an injury or condition at birth, you want the best to help them grow up to be successful. Our expert therapists want that too, and take pride in helping your child grow and learn.

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