
As your child grows and enters the teen years, there’s a lot to consider and think to ensure your child is safe, happy and healthy. From physical care to emotional and behavioral care, we’re here to help. Our experts can provide guidance for parents and youth, so you have the skills to take on new growth opportunities.

Recent Posts About K-12 Kids

Simple Solutions for Dealing with Stress

Simple Solutions for Dealing with Stress

The start of the school year is a hectic time, as getting back into a routine is tough and tiredness sets in. Anxiety and stress also become more prevalent as busy schedules, homework and less time at home takes a toll on our household.On top of all of...

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Seeing a Father’s Love For His Daughter

Seeing a Father’s Love For His Daughter

As I was watching my husband take our daughter’s senior pictures, I realized I am at a crossroads of jealousy and admiration. Jealous of the bond between my husband and our oldest daughter. He witnessed every first in her life: the first time she rolled over, her...

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What Happened to Cuddling?

What Happened to Cuddling?

I know I can’t be the only mom out there that has zero sex drive. I recently reached out to other moms and this topic was one of the most discussed.For me it’s not just my sex drive, it’s cuddle time that is also nonexistent. Anytime my husband rubs my...

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Lessons Learned Before Her Senior Year

Lessons Learned Before Her Senior Year

I remember everything as if it happened yesterday. I was holding back tears as much as I could and once I turned my back, the tears started streaming. That’s where we left her, lined up with all her new classmates with a smile beaming from ear-to-ear,...

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My Husband’s “Me” Time

My Husband’s “Me” Time

My husband’s job includes weird hours - some nights, weekends and overnight trips. Recently, he started a night class for graduate school. When he isn't at work or school, he uses about 50% of that time for himself (i.e., playing sports). I know it's important for him...

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Grandmas Get Pimples

Grandmas Get Pimples

One day last week, I woke up with a sore in the corner of my lips. I didn't think much about it but the next morning it was bigger, redder and hurt just a tad. It wasn't time to call the doctor, but I wanted to keep my eye on it.What started as a stressful...

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Adventure is Out There

Adventure is Out There

It was over 13 years ago when my husband and I wrote down a family goal of providing our children with the gift of travel. Our goal then, as it is today, is to provide as many opportunities as we can to see the wonders our great nation has to offer. While it may still seem like a far fetched goal, we plan and plot out our trips in hopes of traveling to as many of the continental states as possible before our children graduate high school.

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5 Things I Want My Teenage Daughter to Know

5 Things I Want My Teenage Daughter to Know

The winter weather finally gave way to spring: the birds are chirping, the cranes found a home in Nebraska for a few weeks and the track is full of students running and jumping. However, spring also means something else for our household — birthdays. In the next month, we’ll officially have two teenagers in our home. I can say “officially” because our younger daughter has thought she’s a teenager since about eight years old.

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Navigating the Path Together

Today’s youth have a lot to handle. It can be overwhelming – for your child and for you as a parent. If you have questions about behaviors you see in your child, we can help.

When You Need Care

Getting sick or hurt is never convenient. From minor illnesses and injuries to serious health conditions, turn to Bryan. We provide the expertise and care you need. Choose from our online Bryan Health ezVisit to Bryan Urgent Care walk-in clinic to three emergency rooms ready to help you.

Pediatric Therapy

When your child faces challenges from an injury or condition at birth, you want the best to help them grow up to be successful. Our expert therapists want that too, and take pride in helping your child grow and learn.

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