As your child grows and enters the teen years, there’s a lot to consider and think to ensure your child is safe, happy and healthy. From physical care to emotional and behavioral care, we’re here to help. Our experts can provide guidance for parents and youth, so you have the skills to take on new growth opportunities.
Recent Posts About K-12 Kids
Intentionally Learning to Embrace the Moment
Last week, our two daughters and I were sitting at the kitchen table—all of us working on schoolwork. At one point our middle daughter said, “I have ‘eighth-graditis’.'' I looked at her and said, “There is no such thing.” Then our senior daughter chimed in, “I really...
New Year’s Resolutions with Kids
Eat healthy, lose weight, exercise—these are some of the things I think about when it comes to New Year Resolutions. But this year, I not only wanted to do these resolutions for me, but I wanted to include my family in some as well. Resolutions for the Family When it...
Scholarships Season is Stressful
It's snowing outside, the Christmas lights are shining bright on the tree, and I am sitting in the recliner enjoying my cup of hot cider watching holiday movies. I'm enjoying the silence and reminiscing about the most wonderful time of the year. Then I hear it, “Mom,...
Planning a Disney Family Vacation
It’s a family vacation to remember. I can already picture it: Me, lounging poolside with a fruity cocktail as my carefree husband applies sunscreen to my back. We laugh, charge another round to the room, and bask in the sight of our happy kids splashing responsibly in...
Becoming More Intentional in Life
During many of my leadership lessons, my students and I often discuss how important creativity is. In most instances, students believe creativity is a skill they have lost. So, I recently began teaching a leadership unit focused solely on creativity. I started...
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Just the phrase “parent-teacher conference” makes me anxious. However, this last experience was a positive one. Typically, parent-teacher conferences happen either right before or right after report cards. And with grades in the picture, the stakes are raised.That...
Traveling Through Life with My Squad
The group text message went like this:“Okay squad...I am 95% sure I want a tat. Who also needs one? I need my squad for moral support to get me through the door.”“I am definitely out for the tattoo, but can be there for moral support.”“I am in!!! I want...
I Share Too Much
“I know you, and I haven’t even met you.”Lately, several bloggers I follow have written about issues of privacy and what they are willing to reveal about themselves in their blogs. I am an over-sharer, especially with friends. I reveal everything in real...
The Senior Year To-Do List
Some combination of the following statement is often said over and over, “Don’t blink. Your children grow up way too fast, before you know it they will be a _______ (fill in the blank.)”Here we are with a senior daughter. She did grow up way too fast. I...
Becoming a Soccer Mom
I never thought I would be a soccer mom. Growing up I hated the sport. I tried it once and it wasn’t for me. But in August of 2017, I officially became a soccer mom and joined in on all the endless practices, games, and tournaments of the soccer mom world....
Simple Solutions for Dealing with Stress
The start of the school year is a hectic time, as getting back into a routine is tough and tiredness sets in. Anxiety and stress also become more prevalent as busy schedules, homework and less time at home takes a toll on our household.On top of all of...
Older Siblings: I Hate You, Will You Be My Best Friend?
I have a brother, Matt, who is four years older than me. I am the baby of the family and I call him “the prodigal son.” Needless to say, growing up with Matt wasn’t always the best of times. He was the mean, older brother who chased me around the house...
Navigating the Path Together
Today’s youth have a lot to handle. It can be overwhelming – for your child and for you as a parent. If you have questions about behaviors you see in your child, we can help.
When You Need Care
Getting sick or hurt is never convenient. From minor illnesses and injuries to serious health conditions, turn to Bryan. We provide the expertise and care you need. Choose from our online Bryan Health ezVisit to Bryan Urgent Care walk-in clinic to three emergency rooms ready to help you.