Pregnancy & Babies
The birth of your baby is one of the most exciting times in your life. From the happiness of finding out you’re pregnant, to the pure joy you experience holding your baby for the first time; we’re here to provide you with helpful information and resources every step of the way.
Recent Posts About Pregnancy & Babies
I Have My “Bundle of Joy,” So Why Am I So Sad?
If you’re feeling sad, anxious or depressed either while pregnant or after having your baby, you are not alone! Nearly 1 in 7 women experience difficult emotions during pregnancy or after giving birth. It’s important to discuss this common yet treatable condition called postpartum depression.
Realizing You’re Not the Fun Parent
This weekend, I realized I’m not the fun parent. I try to do fun things with the kids, but when my husband is involved he’s like a big kid himself. Our children’s faces light up when Dad’s around.
10 Dos and Don’ts for a Healthy Pregnancy & Baby
Being pregnant is a very exciting and happy time in a women’s life! Before your little bundle of joy arrives, you are responsible for helping him or her grow in a healthy environment. This list of dos and don’ts can shed some light on what you should focus on.
Are We Done Having Kids?
Growing up everyone always asked you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” My answer: I wanted to be a mom. Sure, I went to college, graduated and got a full-time job, but I knew I was put on this earth to become a mom.
We Don’t Know What Lies Ahead
This past weekend, my husband and I traveled to Dallas, Texas to join in the baptism celebration of our new grandniece. As always, the visit to Dallas was too short but filled with laughter and lots of love for family.
Thriving, Not Surviving Parenting
Let me break this down for you. From the time our children are born and turn 18, there are 940 Saturdays. Think about that. 940 Saturdays. Once our kids reach high school, there’s a mere 200 Saturdays left.
The Blessing of Quality Patient Care for Worried Parents
If there’s anything parents are instinctively good at, it’s worrying. Before our babies are even born, we’re experts and can think of infinite things to worry about.
Should You Bring Kids to Funerals?
We recently had a death in the family. My grandma passed away. I’ve explained the concept of death to my son before, but we’re now dealing with it on a more personal level.
Gestational Diabetes: What Expecting Mothers Should Know
The birth of your baby is one of the most exciting events in your life. As a board certified maternal and fetal medicine specialist, it is my job to support women and their babies through pregnancy.
Everything You Need to Know About RSV
RSV can be a life-threatening illness for some infants. As a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) nurse with 11 years experience who went back to school to become a neonatal nurse practitioner — a specialty I have been privileged to practice for the past eight years —...
ER, Urgent Care or Virtual Care – Which is Best for Me?
This week we opened our new Bryan East Campus ER. In designing the new ER, we took into account the needs of patients, families, EMS responders and our staff to include many new features that improve care and convenience for patients.
Breastfeeding – Personal Perspectives from Dr. Mom
As a doctor and a mother to three children, I understand the benefits of breastfeeding for both moms and babies. I also know from personal experience and from my patients the challenges that we experience as moms specifically related to breastfeeding.
Childbirth & Parenting Classes
We’re here to help you and your family prepare, not only for the birth but also for life after baby. Bryan offers a range of classes and events for expecting parents and family members.
Find a Doctor for Baby & You
Whether you’re pregnant or thinking about it, one of your first big decisions is choosing a doctor. Another important decision is choosing a doctor for your baby; you will want to do this before your baby is born.
Tour the Bryan Family Birthplace
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Hospital Packing List
Be prepared for your big day with our hospital bag packing list for you, your baby and support person.
Preregister Your Birth
Tour the Bryan Family Birthplace