As your child grows and enters the teen years, there’s a lot to consider and think to ensure your child is safe, happy and healthy. From physical care to emotional and behavioral care, we’re here to help. Our experts can provide guidance for parents and youth, so you have the skills to take on new growth opportunities.
Recent Posts About K-12 Kids
How to Spring Clean Your Sports Schedule
This fall, my sister and mom of three (ages 10, 9 and 7) made a very bold and completely unexpected declaration. “We aren’t doing any winter sports this year. We need a break,” she announced. I was honestly shocked.
The Gift of Travel
My husband and I wrote down a goal to provide our children with the gift of travel. There were two things I knew for certain. One, we would have to become financially disciplined to achieve this goal, and two, I was going to have to force myself to get past my fear of traveling.
Parent Confession: I Hate Doing Homework
I have a confession to make. I hate homework. I hate doing it. I hate helping with it. I hate the mere existence of it. It started in kindergarten, and year by year, it gets worse. I already did 15+ years of it myself. Now, I have many more years of helping my kids with their homework!
Am I a Wisher, Talker, or Doer?
About a month ago, I listened to nationally known motivational speaker Mike Smith, who discussed the difference between wishing, talking and doing. In my mind, I had always thought of myself as a doer. However, reality hit me during the presentation—I am a wisher and talker.
Mommy Me Time
We all have our mommy to-do lists. After dropping off the kids, working a full day with deadlines that never end, picking up the kids, making dinner, doing homework, giving baths, reading stories before bed and doing housework, I am too tired to do anything for me.
New Year, New Interests for My Grandkids
On New Year’s Day, I mentioned to my grandkids that I was thinking about resolutions for 2018. They immediately wanted to know what those resolutions were. Being the old teacher, I put it back on them. What would they resolve for 2018?
How Can I Bring More Joy to Others Next Year?
Oh, the end of the year. The time where we tend to reflect over the past 365 days. Reflection gets to me every time. Reflecting upon the memories, the accomplishments, even the fears, but most importantly, reflecting encourages me to improve.
How a Teacher Makes a Big Difference
It’s hard to believe that we’re almost halfway through the school year! This summer, I wrote about the anxiety of Cohen starting a new school year. Last year, his kindergarten year (you may remember) didn’t go so well. He received numerous safe seats, hated school, acted out and wasn’t the kid I knew.
How the Holidays Have Changed
It’s funny how the older one gets, the more time it takes to do the simple tasks of preparing holiday meals, buying and wrapping gifts, and dealing with all things holiday. Why should I think this year would be different?
Let’s Enjoy Every Moment This Holiday Season
Our Thanksgiving meal has been eaten. My lesson plans for December are complete. Our Christmas tree is decorated. Everything about the holiday season is in full force.
And We’re Back to Co-Sleeping
About a year ago, I wrote about transitioning my daughter into a “big girl bed.” At the end of the post, I wrote that she now sleeps in her bed in her own room by herself. Well…not anymore!
The Volleyball “Fatheads”
The other day, I received a quick text from Granddaughter #2. “Remember those fatheads from last year’s state volleyball tournament?” My first thought was, “Is she calling me a fathead?”
Navigating the Path Together
Today’s youth have a lot to handle. It can be overwhelming – for your child and for you as a parent. If you have questions about behaviors you see in your child, we can help.
When You Need Care
Getting sick or hurt is never convenient. From minor illnesses and injuries to serious health conditions, turn to Bryan. We provide the expertise and care you need. Choose from our online Bryan Health ezVisit to Bryan Urgent Care walk-in clinic to three emergency rooms ready to help you.